The A9X Torana Club Of Australia Inc. was established to assist its members identify and preserve genuine examples of the A9X Torana by providing assistance with information, parts, and services.
The Club has a network of representatives throughout Australia and conducts social runs, produces a quarterly Newsletter, holds an annual "A9X Nationals", approaches companies for parts and services at special club prices and aims to help members with enquiries regarding A9X Toranas in general.
Vehicle Identification:
We can assist owners and potential owners of A9X Toranas in verifying the authenticity of their vehicles.
We provide information relating to the A9X Torana. If you need to know something we can in most cases provide an answer, or at least put you in touch with someone who can.
We have parts advertised in our Newsletter and can tell you where to find hard to get parts. We also have a number of repro parts available.
Club Activities:
Club "Runs" are organised around the country at various times throughout the year, including an Annual A9X Nationals event.
The Newsletter:
A quarterly "Newsletter" is published, containing articles such as reprints from magazines of the 70s about the A9X, technical articles, history, interviews with people who were involved with the A9X development and manufacture and Club news in general.
Membership is divided into 3 categories:
Full Member: Owners of genuine A9X Toranas
Associate Member: Owners of L34 Toranas.
Social Member: Anyone with an interest in the A9X Torana - whether you have a vehicle or not.
Please Note: Voting rights are held by Full Members only.
Joining Fee is $75.00 ($Australian) which includes 1 years membership. Annual Fees are $60.00 ($Australian) per member and are due on the 1st of July each year. Please contact the Secretary for further details.